Find a Caregiver:
It is more economical and comforting to live at home with 24-hour support than to be institutionalized. Pick from our qualified staff as your home care attendant, and we will provide back-up services and supervision to ensure continuous quality care. We don’t rely on voicemail! Expect a live person to answer the phone after business hours and on weekends 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. We also serve participants of
Get the Care You Need And Deserve With 10% Off Your Next New Order Of Any Home Care Services.
Why Choose Us?
24 Hour Services- Award Winning Care
Licensed, Bonded, And Insured
Best Rates / Affordable
Live In & Live Out Care
Assisted Living Services: Geriatric Care, Disability Care, Personal Home Care
Phone: 800-547-2851
Google Rating: 5.0
Older adults are more likely to be disabled or dependent due to medical problems. These problems change a person’s relationships with family and friends. Personal home care services within the home remain the preferred choice for the majority of seniors today. By sending personal care aides or certified nursing assistants to a client’s home or facility to provide care, we make life easier for seniors.
Jamhuri Healthcare Services is a licensed provider, registered with Medicaid for providing in-home personal care to seniors, disabled adults, and veterans in the state of Maryland since 2004.. Our top requirement for a caregiver is to have a patient and compassionate heart. Caregiving is a noble calling that is not for the short-tempered; it is a calling for the selfless.
Find Home Care Services For Your Needs:
Our team includes both private duty home care providers as well as certified home health aides. Whatever your in-home care needs, we can help. We can match you with a provider that suits your needs wherever you live in Maryland. It is our mission and has been from the word go.
Our network of home care and home healthcare services are well known in Pikesville, Baltimore County, Maryland.
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