How to Make the Most of Major Changes Brought on by COVID-19

Covid-19 Changes

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The COVID-19 pandemic has likely changed your life in more ways than one. Grappling with such changes, especially if they weren’t planned, can be difficult. It’s important to take care of yourself mentally and physically as you deal with this transitional time — and this is especially important for seniors. These tips brought to you by Jamhuri Healthcare Services can help you deal with some of the changes brought on by the pandemic.

The Change: You’re spending more time at home.

You are probably spending more time at home because of COVID-19. You want to ensure that this space feels safe and comfortable. If you’re feeling irritable or unhappy in your house, take the time to give it a deep clean. Once it’s spotless, let in some fresh air and sunlight by opening the windows. Finally, get rid of bad vibes using a sage stick.

 The Change: You’re now working or learning remotely.

Adapting to remote learning or working can be difficult, and many people find it harder to concentrate when communicating via a screen instead of face-to-face. Zoom fatigue is a real thing, as National Geographic explains.

Eliminate hurdles to productivity and concentration by upgrading your tech tools. Get a new computer, boost your internet bandwidth, or get a tablet so you have greater flexibility in terms of where you work in the home. offers a list of productivity apps to help you stay on track.

The Change: You’ve lost your job or been downsized to part-time work.

Unfortunately, many people have lost their jobs because of COVID. If you’re among these, you may be worried about making ends meet. Job loss for seniors can be particularly troubling, as it can often be difficult to find work as an older adult. Look to the internet to find part-time gigs that can tide you over until you’re on more stable ground financially. CNBC has a list of remote jobs still hiring despite the pandemic, from contact tracing to teaching English.

You can also use this time to go back to school to pursue a degree in something that you’re passionate about. For instance, if you want to become a teacher, online universities offer comprehensive programs that allow you to earn your bachelor’s in education. And with multiple start dates throughout the year, you can begin when the time is right for you.

The Change: Your social life is facing limitations.

If bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and sports and cultural venues are closed in your area, finding ways to meet up with friends or family is challenging. Even if everything in your area is open, you may be hesitant to go out in public due to the risk of infection. However, socializing is important to mental health, regardless of age. An active social life keeps loneliness and depression at bay and can even combat cognitive decline in older individuals. Find creative ways to connect digitally with your friends and family. Self offers an inspiring list of 13 Zoom party ideas for inspiration.

The Change: You are leading a more sedentary lifestyle.

 If you’re working and learning at home and spending less time socializing, you’re likely also leading a more sedentary lifestyle overall. Beware that just two weeks of lazing about while self-isolating can negatively impact your health, especially if you’re older. According to CNN, persons over 65 lose as much as four percent of their leg muscle after only two weeks of inactivity. Find fun ways to stay fit at home to counteract a sedentary lifestyle.

The above list covers some of the more significant changes you may be experiencing in the wake of COVID-19. Follow the tips in each section to make the transition easier and find a way to turn what might first look like a negative into a positive.

Author: Holli Richardson