body changes

How Your Body Changes with Age

With aging comes wisdom, experience, and patience. However, there are other things that are not so welcoming the older you get. When you age, several things happen to your body. Here are just a few things you can expect the older you get.

Your Skin Changes

One of the most prominent changes is the forming of wrinkles that appear on the skin. Wrinkles happen due to the skin becoming thinner and less elastic than when you were younger.

When your skin begins to thin, you’ll find you bruise easier. Cuts often take longer to heal and other blemishes like moles and sunspots appear. It’s always important to see your health care professional if new spots appear. Some spots can be cancerous and can only be diagnosed by a professional.

Balance and Mobility are Affected

Another thing that comes with age is balance issues that are caused by muscle, joint, and bone changes. Your bones may become fragile which results in them being easier to break. You will lose muscle mass in your arms and legs making lifting items more difficult. As these parts of your body begin to get weak, so does your nervous system. Those stellar reflexes you once had in your 20s are slowly disappearing due to the synapses that fire off in your brain taking longer to get to the nerve endings to complete simple tasks. With your body not working at top performance, you may find yourself unstable.

By working out regularly, you are keeping your muscles working and body functions firing. A gym membership or even classes at your local YMCA can help maintain your balance as you age. Plus, with everyday exercise, you are helping your immune system stay sharp. As you age, you may find yourself prone to viral infections that can lead to a hospital visit. But staying active and doing simple exercises for at least 30 minutes a day can help to keep you healthier longer. And when it comes to exercising, consider investing in a smart watch, which can monitor your heart rate and help you track your health goals (Just be sure to pair it with a sturdy watch band that can withstand your workouts!)


When you age, retrieving information can slip away. One day you may wake up and forget where your car keys are, another, maybe you forget what you had for dinner the night before. Forgetfulness and memory lapse to some degree are normal with aging. However, a trip to your healthcare professional will determine if your memory loss is part of the natural process of aging or if something more serious like dementia is setting in.

Being Prepared

Aging doesn’t have to be a downhill struggle. There are preventative measures you can take to make the most of your golden years. Eating a well-balanced diet is just one side of the pyramid. Making sure that the foods you eat benefit your body is the first route you should take to combat aging.

You’ll find heart-healthy foods, and foods that promote bone health as well as some that can sharpen the mind. If you aren’t sure what diet is best for you, speaking to a nutritionist is the best route.   You should check with your healthcare plan to see if there are any nutritionists you can get in touch with on your plan. If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, you may also want to ask if you are eligible for a wellness plan.

Some United Healthcare Medicare Advantage plans come with a wellness and fitness package. These packages can help you maintain your health or improve it. These plans sometimes include fitness plans so that you can join a gym or another program like Silver Sneakers.

Of course, if you aren’t enrolled with Medicare Advantage yet, the fall open registration is just around the corner. In fact, you can enroll from October 15 through December 7. So take the time to find out which plan is right for you. After all, aging is going to happen and now’s the time to take precautions.

For more information about healthcare read our other posts here:News You Can Use



Author: Michael Longsdon