Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons..

You have reached the mature years of your life. Your kids have started their lives. Now, out of nowhere, you have free time in your life and free space in your house. You feel like you’re at a crossroads, and you’re not sure what kind of life you want in the future. According to a recent survey, 40 percent of people over 55 in America live in 3-bedroom homes. This indicates an excess of living space in their homes. So it’s no surprise that more and more seniors across the US are living with roommates. You probably think that living with a roommate is for young people. And you don’t want to change your routine to accommodate the habits of a stranger. But living with a roommate can also have some advantages. The following text considers the pros and cons of having a roommate in retirement.

Save on housing expenses

One of the highest expenses you will have in retirement is housing. Living with a roommate who will take on half the mortgage or rent will save you hundreds of dollars each month. You can save extra money if you share utilities or regular home maintenance. Spend that extra money you saved on traveling or financing a hobby for which you never had time or money.Pros and Cons

Caption: Most people who decided on having a roommate in retirement cited the need for companionship as the main reason for making their decision.


Social isolation and loneliness occur mainly in older people who live alone. In this case, the risk of depression increases. That is why most people who decided to have a roommate in retirement cited the need for companionship as the main reason for making their decision. For them, this was an ideal way to overcome their loneliness. It’s good to know that someone is waiting for you at home when you return.

You can afford better space

If you decide on having a roommate in retirement, one of the benefits that you undoubtedly have to consider is the option to move to a better place. By sharing the costs, you will be able to afford far better accommodation than the one you currently have. Find a potential roommate, and discuss how you want to split the costs. If you come to an agreement that works for you, all that separates you from living in the home of your dreams is finding an interstate mover you can rely on. Professional assistance is key when moving if you want to avoid the stress and unexpected costs caused by damage to your belongings.

Life with another person is safer

When you live alone, any injury you experience can be a terrifying experience for you. We have to admit that our bodies change with age, and the risks increase with time. You can lie down for hours or even days before anyone notices that anything has happened to you. In such cases, living with a roommate can be of great benefit to you. They can help you call an ambulance or take you to the hospital. The recovery period that follows will be much easier if you have someone by your side to help you. Even if an accident happens while you are out of the house, your roommate could notice that you did not return in time and alert everyone who might be able to help you. Also, if more people live in the house, the probability of burglary is significantly reduced.Pros and Cons

Caption: You could share the responsibilities with a roommate and thus reduce the burden that falls on you

Share household chores

Regular house maintenance is quite tiring, especially if you live alone. You could share the responsibilities with a roommate and thus reduce the burden that falls on you. When we do them together, many otherwise tedious tasks can become fun. Different skills you have that can complement each other can be practical. But you must make an agreement on the division of work even before you start living together. A clear and timely arrangement can save you a lot of discussions later when you have to decide who put more effort into maintaining the house.

Caption: Deciding to start living with a roommate will have a positive effect on you.

More relaxed attitude

Although the obligation to change your lifestyle and adapt it to the habits of a complete stranger may seem like a reason against deciding to start living with a roommate, it can have a positive effect on you. When we live alone for a while, we get used to our routines and become too focused on ourselves. Knowing that other people have their own needs and habits will improve our social skills and teach us how to relax and go with the flow. It will make your retirement life happier and simpler.

Cons of having a roommate in retirement: adjusting your living habits

You have reached a certain age and created your habits long ago. For young people, changing a lifestyle can be effortless since they have more energy, but for the elderly doing the same is quite tricky. You will need extra patience if you plan on having a roommate in retirement. They might not like some of your habits, and you might not like some of theirs. But you can overcome anything by talking and being willing to adjust your behavior. You only need to find someone with the same hobbies and routines, so it isn’t that difficult once you move in together. It would be fantastic if you could find a roommate online, which is an excellent opportunity to learn to use technology and socialize online. There is certainly a description of their living habits in their advertisement, so you know whom to choose!

You won’t have as much privacy

If you are used to being alone all of the time, you will have to adjust to this new way of living. Since you’re living with someone, you’ll have less privacy than before. Having a roommate in retirement means never truly being on your own which isn’t a bad thing!

Final words

Being alone is truly a horrible feeling. Having a roommate in retirement will help you with feelings of loneliness and solve a lot of your other financial problems. And most importantly, you will make a new friend!

Meta Description: If you don’t know whether you should live with a roommate or not, we can help you. These are the pros and cons do having a roommate in retirement.

Autho: Lindsay Denton

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